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The Pekin Hometown Voice

Heroes Among Us – Baylee Gambetti: Blooming Where She Was Planted

May 31, 2024 08:28AM ● By Scott Fishel

Marigolds border on the sacred in Pekin. From the City of Pekin and Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce logos, to the annual Marigold Festival, this humble yellow flower has achieved iconic status in the hearts, minds, and window boxes of Pekin residents.

Knowing this, Baylee Gambetti, a lifelong Pekin resident and partner in Ladendorf & Gambetti RE/MAX Traders Unlimited, wanted to bring a splash of marigold color and beauty to areas of town that needed a pick-me-up. Last year, and again this spring, Baylee led a personal campaign to plant marigold seeds in sidewalk cracks and other unexpected places around town that might otherwise be overrun with weeds. She led the charge with no city backing, no beautification grant and no formal business support. It was just Baylee and a few friends trying to make their hometown a better place to live.

For this Hero Among Us, improving the livability and amenities of Pekin takes many forms. Baylee has been giving her leadership to all manner of community organizations and initiatives since before graduating from Pekin Community High School (she was voted “Most School Spirit” for the Class of 2008). Born and raised here, she is past president of the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce and a current executive board member. She was president of Pekin Main Street from 2017 to 2020, promoting the preservation and restoration of downtown Pekin. In support of the Pekin Bicentennial, she is working to place plaques with QR codes on 22 downtown buildings and linking them to online histories. With her mother, Terri, she is renovating The Arlington, a historic structure at 437 Court St. (corner of Court and Fifth).

Baylee is chair (for the second time) of the Marigold Festival Planning Committee and heads up planning for this year’s bicentennial celebrations. She was president of the Kiwanis Club of Pekin in 2017, and for eight years has chaired the committee that puts on the annual Stand Up for Kiwanis, the funny fundraiser highlighting local comedic talent. She is an enthusiastic supporter of the long-anticipated performing arts amphitheater that has broken ground in Mineral Springs Park and is expected to be completed in time for the Marigold Festival in September.

Baylee serves on a task force looking to rebrand Pekin and make it more appealing to visitors, residents, and businesses. She is shaping the future with SmartStart Pekin, which encourages and mentors small business owners.

What makes such a talented and ambitious young woman so pro-Pekin? “It’s in my DNA,” she laughs. Her mother, Terri, had a 40-year career as superintendent of recreation for the Pekin Park District and works alongside her daughter in many organizations like the Chamber of Commerce and Pekin Bicentennial. Leo’s Art Studio, which Terri Gambetti founded eight years ago at 408 Court Street, was named Small Business of the Year in 2022.

“I believe you should bloom where you are planted.” Baylee concludes. “The people are what makes Pekin so great. I love that it’s really a big small town.” Her roots run deep, and Pekin flourishes as she brings people, business, government, and the wider community together for the benefit of all. Like the water and sunshine that help her sidewalk marigolds grow, Baylee is leading and empowering others to make Pekin the best it can be.