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The Pekin Hometown Voice

Spreading Holiday Cheer: Pekin Rotary Club’s Surprise Santa Visit

The Pekin Rotary Club continues to make a difference in the community, not just through its service projects but through heartfelt acts of kindness. For the fourth consecutive year, the club embraced the spirit of giving in a memorable way, touching the lives of local wait staff who dedicate themselves to serving others.

A Surprise Visit to Ernie’s Restaurant
On a December morning, the Rotary Club carried out a festive surprise at Ernie’s Restaurant on Derby Street in Pekin. Santa Claus, embodying the joy of the season, delivered a generous tip to one of the restaurant’s hardworking waitresses. Club members had pooled their money to brighten her day with a gesture that went far beyond the ordinary.

But the giving didn’t stop there. The Rotary Club also shared their pooled funds with the dedicated wait staff from TCRC, who faithfully serve the club’s members during weekly lunch meetings every Wednesday. These individuals are an integral part of the club’s gatherings, and the gesture was a way to express gratitude for their consistent and cheerful service.

This act wasn’t about a man in a red suit; it was about the idea that “Santa is in all of us if we allow him to be.” The spirit of Santa isn’t tied to one person but is found in the hearts of those who give selflessly. As one Rotarian reflected, “The idea of giving for the sake of giving—not for reciprocation, but just to bless another—is what the season is all about.”